Friday, January 3, 2025

clay: contemporary candelabra

I had thought I was going to dip this canedelabra into the new studio glaze, Chocola-tea, but Amy, the studio tech suggested other glazes. I taped resist the bottom. And then left it after brushing on 3 layers of glaze on it.


The candelabra is not wobbly though not all four corners touch bottom. The tapers stand straight enough though in this picture it doesn't look completely upright. What also doesn't appear in the photo are the pools of light blue (Ghost Blue, get it?) at the bottom of the curves.

The 1/4" glaze of Floating Blue at the top rim of the taper holders, which I fan brushed on, is just gosh darn beautiful.
And you can see too in the pics that one corner of the wave doesn't touch bottom, but it's still stable.
I obviously love this candelabra, but I can't keep everything I make. I'm going to have to figure out how to display it artfully to buyers. I know that both ceramics community studios will be holding popups in January or February, and so I plan to just sell my air plant pots. I also need to remember next time to use that tape resist at the opposite ends of these candelabras because some of the glaze stuck to the kiln shelf, which I'll need to grind off.

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