Sunday, June 30, 2024

cook: grilled cheese+

Ugh, I've mold on both my loaf of sourdough bread and a new block of gruyere because of the heatwave overheating my bread drawer and too much moisture in my fridge. And so I took two slices of bread that were untouched by fuzz and scraped the blackish green soft off my hard cheese and decided to brunch on a grilled cheese. I grated Gruyere on one slice of bread and laid a slice of Emmenthaler on the other.

But I have to have a vegetable element in whatever I eat, and so I picked basil from the garden and sliced a supermarket tomato (Patrick predicts another week before he can harvest heirloom tomatoes) for a more flavorful grilled cheese.
I am trying to consume less sugar, but I so love an icy Coca Cola with a meal.
I function better on less carbs, and so my next brunch dish will be a hard boiled egg gratin to use up that gruyere and incorporate more vegetables into meals.

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