Monday, August 12, 2024

cook: all-american californian saturday supper

I was tired of leftovers and craving a burger and fries like I’d had at a lunch get-together with friends at Paul Martin’s though I’d ordered a salad instead of French fries at the restaurant. And oh! I didn't have potatoes though I did have a large and small zucchini. 

Eggs, panko and potato starch to the rescue. And of course, my cast iron skillet and canola.
I seasoned the crumb mixture with not just salt and pepper, but also garlic powder, onion powder, and hot smoked paprika. Which. Really. Leveled. Up. Flavor.
Husband complimented on both the "fries" and the burger. Can't say I'm a fan of the Wagyu ground beef I bought, but the brioche bun held its own with the red onion, heirloom tomato and spring lettuces.

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