Saturday, August 10, 2024

cook: school lunches

My pottery sale went well. I got rid of some ceramics, so I can make even more! I'm headed into the Clay Life studio this morning to finish a couple of votive candleholders and to start pots for an orchid and two houseplants as well as shelves for air plants that should have arrived in my mail box as I type this blog. I've also got to get into the habit of planning and organizing my meals for work, which I start this Monday. Oh! And on Sunday, I arranged a private lesson in outrigger canoeing to improve my stroke technique before my race around Angel Island later this month. I'm excited as I will be paddling in either a one-man or two-man outrigger canoe (OC1 or OC2 as the lingo goes). In the meantime, I've got in my fridge cream cheese that I whipped with green onion, chives, red onion, capers, and dill for lox bagel sandwiches for breakfast. And cannellini beans....

One day, Cecilia came over with bones, lots of bones! A ham bone with slices of more ham and turkey carcass, which had been in the freezer for months that she said had to be emptied for her fisherman brother-in-law and that she was not in the mood to boil. And so I made a ham and bean soup with the pork bone. I chopped onion, celery and carrots and added rosemary, thyme and sage. And then boiled more Italian white beans to cook a Cannellini, Italian sausage, fennel soup with more of the same aromatics and herbs, which are in my fridge to eat for lunch next week.

I've also got turkey and cheese and and avocado and sprouts for one of my favorite sandwiches too for lunch.
Here is my favorite sandwich on a sourdough roll: avocado, arugula, sprouts, mayo, mustard, red onion, cherry pepper, tomato, roast turkey breast, and provolone.  
And instead of making pesto, I'm just putting fresh basil leaves in my TALTSs(turkey, avocado, lettuce or rather arugula, tomato and sprouts sandwiches).
But once I run out of soup and turkey lunch meat, I've got to change it up. I'm thinking bowls.

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