Friday, September 8, 2023

cloth: my lumbar pillow is done

Not only did I finish grandniece, Isla's pillow, I also finished mine.  My college roommate, Geraldine said she loved my pattern, and the librarian in me, cited my source. 

I installed the zipper into Isla's pillow after I reviewed how on Ashley Nickel's how-to video on Creativebug. And despite the thickness of the pillow panels from the quilting, Isla's pillow came together nicely.
Piecing of my larger lumbar pillow happened next. This time I knew that the diagonal on the squares would be the bottom stitched line, and the 1/4" line above the diagonal would be where I cut. I also stitched a 1/4" line above the cut line on the book's suggestion that the square could then be incorporated into coasters.
I didn't have to trim 1/2" sides like I did with Isla's pillow to square the strips, and so this pillow came out much larger. I formed the sandwich with the quilt top, batting, and muslin.
And because the panel was much bigger than the first one I made, I pin basted the sandwich before straight line quilting with my walking foot. 
And wow is Isla's pillow much smaller than mine!
I echoed stitched the triangles and just 1/4" straight lines on the rectangles. 
I also straight line stitched a backing (pink fabric, batting, and muslin). And then after one botched attempt, I installed a zipper between the two panels.
The installation of the zipper on this bigger pillow was more problematic--I had to hand sew parts of the zipper to the pillow panels. Luckily, the sloppy hand sewing is on the inside of the pillow. I also started on a few of the coasters...
After many episodes of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days while quilting and sewing, my pillow is done!
And it looks great on my bed along with my other quilted pillows.
However, I consider this color palette my spring and summer linens. I've a blue and teal and tan felted wool pillow top that I want to sew to a linen back. And I might quilt the linen back before attaching to the wool stripes. I also want to then sew a blue colorways square pillow cover and just keep my Ohio Star and lumbar pillow year-round on my bed.

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