Thursday, February 25, 2021

Ponderings on Minimalism and a Laid-Back Life

One of my simple joys in this pandemic is the local public library, and I grew up with regular trips to the library because my mother was such a prolific reader and in turn made her children lifelong readers. I'm fortunate that the city I reside in is able to generously fund its library with collections and services that serve so many needs for information. Whereas once I used to purchase and consume books from bookstores and Amazon, I now put a hold on those coffee table books and popular fiction and then get to return them rather than dump them at the Goodwill. This afternoon, I'll be returning the book below that I enjoyed but feel no need to own. And included in this post are my favorite photographs from surfers' cottages, both funky and not.

I like simplicity in decor, but not so Spartan that it's devoid of the personality of its dwellers. For the past couple years, I guess I've been embracing the fad of living with less, which I also reconcile with my want and need for "stuff." I live not far from the coast, but close enough to want oceanic themes in my home. Fewer material possessions has freed my brain from overwhelm, guilt, and the sadness of a consumer culture. I could never reside in a tiny home, but small is beautiful, which the images from these book are so reminiscent of. Having less stuff allows me to pursue a more handmade and happy life by being more conscious and more deliberate in my consumption of material goods. I'm enjoying that clay and cloth are my primary mediums for making while trying to live a more purposeful life.
And I haven't relinquished owning books completely because I still have an overflowing bookcase and stacks of print on my nightstand. My minimalism is more aspirational than achieved because I still have trouble finding the things I need within my home at times. 
And I think the image below is reminiscent on how much I've decluttered my own bedroom and how soothing my sleeping space has become because of that paring down.
The photograph below is a reminder to me on how much I need to tidy my own dining room table.
Below is an image of a bedroom of a small home in Sayulita, Mexico--one of my favorite travel destinations--and inspiration of how to display my own beach hats.
However, I think warmer climes allow for a more casual vibe because a lot of your living happens outdoors as much as indoor. Even here in Northern California, we have chillier temperatures some months of the year that necessitate the storage of things like coats or winter wear.
I'm still in a place of figuring out what I want to keep and I'm not that dogmatic about getting rid of stuff.

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