Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ceramics and Work Week in Review: Kiln Loading & Unloading and Leftovers

This past week has been such a blur. Zan had fired all the greenware, which I unloaded Monday. So much wealth. And when faced with all that plenitude in the past, I would rush and take it all in and glaze in a rush and sloppily. I boxed all my pieces up and vowed to take my time before their second firing.

In the meantime, idiot that I am, I had not worked on making any pieces for the Cone 10 firing of the school year beside making this Coleman porcelain plate.
It's warped, and I'm not gonna bisque it. Aargh. It's okay I'll dry and crumble it into a plastic container before putting it in the bag of the rest of my cone 10 porcelain.And then it was home for dinner and no time really to cook except for a husband asking what's for dinner. A scrap of gruyere and thawed Christmas ham to grill into sandwiches and a tub of tomato basil soup which the hubs finds too spicy and into which I pureed a can of stewed tomatoes with the addition of some additional cream--dinner done.
And Tuesday was a complete blur of more unloading the kiln some more. And I was reminded that the next day was Ceramics Club. While my colleague, Demian was on the wheel after not doing it for years, throwing a bi cylinder. I stayed in my safety zone and hand built my usual sea mug and a bud vase out of the Coleman porcelain.
And I was reminded that I promised Zan that I would go to the art show of our high school students at a downtown gallery in the school's city. And so I went.
And glad I'm did. Oh how I have missed looking at people's creative outputs. I've always liked art with political meaning, and there were quite a few produced in this pandemic. There were also a few produced by students I'm advising on their IB research paper, and one of my favorite people on campus took photos in Chinatown in honor of AAPI month, which turned out to be my favorite.
And of course, she produced one of my favorite pieces of the late afternoon. Which I bought! So charming.
Before I left, one of the students dropped off her acrylic canvas which I loved. I was also inspired by the vase I saw in the window of one of Zan's ceramics students.
And I got home later than usual.
And so leftovers again, but I like it.

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