Friday, July 15, 2022

cook: gluten free tuna melt

I had a physical last week, and my blood sugar indicated pre-diabetes. Sigh. Makes sense as I used to drink a lot of wine which contains a lot of sugar. And so I gave up the wine but replaced it with cola and root beer and orange soda. Not to mention that I love pizza and bread. I’m not a lover of desserts, but I do love carbs if they’re savory. But I aim to not have diabetes if I can help it, and so I ate a tuna melt sans bread.  Fortunately, we've a bumper crop of tomatoes that we've been gifting to the neighbors. And so I grabbed one from our counter. And who knew a can of tuna fish could be at least 4 lunches? Maybe because I add a lot of celery and green onion as well as mayo.  

And I still had Swiss and Gruyere left from my crab melt last week. And so atop slices of tomato is tuna salad and on top of that a slice of swiss and grated gruyere, which I broiled on high for 6 minutes.
My tuna tomato melt was delicious, but here's the kicker. I'm going through menopause, and so my hormones have been fluctuating wildly. I already don't drink coffee, not even decaffeinated because of panic attacks. My doctor says I need to give up dairy as it's chock full of hormones and hence messing with my hormones. Makes sense to me even though it's antithetical to the medical establishment which says to consume more dairy to prevent bone loss. Whatever. I've always believed that humans were not meant to drink milk made for baby cows. BUT. I do love tomatoes in a Caprese salad though they'll be just as delicious without the bocconcini or ciliengine or burrata and just a sprinkling of salt and chopped basil and olive oil and balsamic vinegar. But I will miss a white pie with prosciutto and arugula and a fior di latte mozzarella. I also love butter and cream on my carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta. My doctor mentioned a research study of menopausal women who consumed of 2 cups of soybeans per day. 2 cups! That's a lot of beans. Also I drink a lot of bubbly water instead of alcohol in order to drink less sugary sodas, which my doctor advised me to also avoid because of my heart burn. I just can't win in the battle to eat pleasurably and healthily these days. However, I'll be going back to school, back to work soon (time for a new pair of Converse sneakers) and thus will be back to ordering meal delivery that is gluten and dairy free. Back to quinoa and kale and lots of chickpeas. I'll feel better, I know, but I truly will miss the indulgent foods of summer vacation. Thank goodness I also love cooking and eating the organic vegetables, which hopefully tips the scales for health.

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