Friday, May 26, 2023

cook: tuscan salmon & "robbing peter to pay paul"

In order to cut down on food waste, which I've been consciously practicing since the pandemic, I shop only for one meal even if it's multiple trips to grocery store on the way home from work or from working out during the week. Don't Europeans shop the markets daily for their meals? I cooked Tuscan Salmon last night to use the last of salmon filets in my freezer and bought just a small bag of power greens and a basil plant at Trader Joe's. I found orzo in my pantry and cooked up a cup, saving the rest of the orzo for a pesto or lemon pasta salad.                        

I also used up the rest of the cherry tomatoes leftover from my Greek salad.
And of course, I reheated the roasted broccoli and Korean cheese corn leftover from our steak dinner the other night.

I love a meal that is mostly made up of vegetable sides. This frugality has spilled into other things in my life. I'm consciously trying not to buy stuff that will just get dumped later at Goodwill because I now wear a capsule wardrobe--anything I reach for in my closet or dresser I love and feel comfortable wearing. I'm noticing that I put more dollar bills into tip jars or into unhoused people's hands. However, I've been having foot problems as I've this ache in my left foot from an old fracture when it got run over by a station wagon. But my neighbor, Nancy suggested that I might have also dropped a box or a book on my foot. I suspect too that my favorite flip flops or Havaianas are very bad for my feet because of the lack of support. I wear them too often for walking around, and so I just spent $300 on summer sandals. Orthopedic sandals from Dr. Scholls and NAOT. Sigh.

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