Friday, May 5, 2023

create: 2-dimensional "bad" pictogram

I'm trying not to rush on the painting of my 2-dimensional "bad" or intentionally failed pictogram, where you puzzle over what is the sign? What is the signifier? What is being signified? I was late in turning in a second set of thumbnail sketches with a more complete composition of the pictograms that included details in which to set the pictograms. I didn't know whether to go with alien abduction or a scene at a museum.                                

Patrick had said that one day television would be reduced to someone going on a toilet, which I sketched and nixed the idea. A Twilight Zone episode called To Serve Humans was really a narrative of what I wanted to paint.
I sketched first a museum scene and realized that not only was I late with the second set of thumbnails but also of demonstrating a halfway done composition. Whoops. Guess I have to go with the museum scene.  I painted the black figures in and added some shading to the word in the museum painting to submit to the professor.
More paint needed! I ate a donut for breakfast yesterday. Just because it was so pretty. 
My student, Next said she liked the composition a lot when it was in the drawing stages and could see that it was a scene at a museum. But Nicole thought it might be a movie theater because of the stanchions, and so Next said to add a no photography pictogram. Brilliant! I painted the wall yesterday at work.
Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall resounded in my brain as I was painting. I mixed primary red, black and neutral gray together to suggest aged brick. And treated the gouache like a watercolor. I also watched a YouTube on how to paint floorboards using a 1-point perspective. I like it much better. I need to practice painting gradient before I add the blue and green to the letters. Floor will be yellow ochre mixed with white. Wall around the painting will be ash blue mixed with white. I had to stop painting in order to do clay club after school. After glazing pottery, I stopped at Costco to gas up my car and pick up a rotisserie chicken. I saw these chairs.
I hate the look of Adirondack chairs, but I like these outdoor chairs for lounging. I won't get them though. I haven't sat in my atrium to even enjoy my firepit this past year. And I should get rid of it to make more room for my pottery wheel.

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