Saturday, December 30, 2023

travel: tourism in my own backyard

I’m lucky to live right by San Francisco, which is surrounded by a lot of natural beauty. And the reunion with my sister and brothers included lunch and window shopping in the Mission the day after Christmas. I had my siblings stroll with me into a boutique shop where I bought a gold chain with a tiny rose quartz pendant and an enamel pin in colors I love. I almost bought a book on graphic design to resist capitalism (copyright 2007) at that local independent store. I wish I'd bought the book (ironic!). And I so wanted to peruse another bookstore.

While waiting for my other brother and sister-in-law and nephew to arrive, I did go into a store, drawn to the byline, "tools for nomads." I saw portable watercolor sets perfect for Eli to go with the drawing pads, pencils and pens that I gave him to use for his Sketchbook Skool class on urban sketching. They finally arrived, and we ate lunch at Señor Sisig. I actually would have preferred my nachos without the tofu as I found the soybean curd too sweet, but the crunchy chips helped me to demolish them sans tofu.
I did have Eli accompany me back into the gift shop, and we chose a Japanese watercolor set with a pigment pen and a travel watercolor brush pen with a barrel to fill with water. 
After exploring the Mission and failing to find a coffeehouse to hang out, we went on Alex's suggestion to the Tunnel Tops. We parked by the Disney Museum and the dog park.
The views already from afar were gorgeous despite the blustery weather.  Maps are a good thing to draw in one's sketchbook maybe.
Ahh, I see now why the national park is called the Tunnel Tops; it's above where I've sometimes driven to get on the Golden Gate Bridge.
And of course, I needed to read the history of the fort point.
Further closer to the headland were more incredible views of the bay.

Since we couldn't find a nearby café, we headed to Japantown for coffee and tea and to drop off Alex and Gen at the Kabuki. I plan on sketching this structure in my journal.
While waiting for my boba tea, I did a teeny bit of window shopping.
I told my niece next year that I won't shop Five Below and that I'll find gifts at Daiso instead and that we should bring all my grandnieces to Japantown after thanksgiving. I'm already looking forward to our next holiday gathering and family reunion.

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