Friday, December 2, 2022

(self)care: december calendar

November was all about daily acts of creativity, and so yesterday I decided to launch a month of comfort and (self)care every and each day.

So here's yesterday's intention today since it's the 2nd of December. And yesterday was a good day because of clay club after school where I made two plates to use up what scraps of what I think are Smooth Red and Electric Brown. I'm hoping they don't crack, but if they do, oh well. A hump plate is on the greenware shelf already while a slump plate (and I call it the linner plate because it's that size in between salad and dinner, hence, linner)is in my library workroom with its rim loosely covered in plastic because the middle dries slower. I've already two vases left from Friendsgiving that have fresh flowers. And so that intention done:)Oh boy, crossing things off a list is rather antithetical to being Zen, but that's who I am: a list maker. And that's okay too. Sometimes I write a list item of something I've already done just for that feeling of accomplishment, that self pat on the back.

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