Saturday, June 20, 2020

Quarantine Cooking and Sewing Ambitions: Italian American Grub and a Mini-Quilt

I mentioned in my last post that I'm remotely working, and so making dinners although pressed for time are such a necessary release from tedium. The hubs brought home the first summer tomato: a Berkeley Tie Dye, which he instructed me to cut up into a salad. Luckily, I had just bought a soft mozzarella ball. And was in the mood to open one of the last 3 jars of marinara we had preserved from last summer for Italian sausage spaghetti.
And then my neighbor, Cecilia brought over a homemade pizza, which evoked memories of pizza crawls in Brooklyn two summers ago with my friends, Meral and Kat where we ate pizza every night. No lie. Pizza. every. night. Cecilia's handmade crust, complete with blackened dots totally reminded me of New York pizza. Gawd did I enjoy Brooklyn.
How did the universe know that I was craving good ole' Italian American food?
And then it was off to the market the next day for groceries to make a happy hour snack and a birthday cake. I hate plastic bags, and these days I load my purchases back into the cart and then wheel it to my car to bag them myself. I always had intended to sew my own beautiful grocery bags and never did as with a lot of my sewing ambitions. However, I bought these bags pre-pandemic, and I love 'em.
Also while out shopping, I stopped at Joann's with usual dreams of sewing as soon as my remote working gig is over. I know somewhere in my fabric stash, I have some Liberty of London prints which I plan to edge on to tea towels I found. And while perusing 2020 Quilt Con's magazine in line to pay for my tea towels, I took a pic of the quilt below. I ❤️this quilt because 1) it has text, 2) it has half square triangles, and 3) it has such a clever and modern use of gray-scale. My brain is already brewing its own ideas for riffing on this.
Prior to that I had seen online these mini quilts, which I also would love to adorn my wall with. 
Aww, man sew little time for sew many projects.

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