Friday, October 23, 2020

Cooking: Hot Dawg and Tom Kha Gai Redux

Sometimes I think I know what moms feel when they're cooking dinner for kids who don't want to eat what has been cooked for them  because me and the hubs sometimes have divergent wants for dinner, but I have to have some leftover on hand for him to eat while I indulge my own food craving. And so on one particular night, all I wanted was some semblance of a Chicago dog and he was so okay with a kids-themed meal.

And I got to empty the the pantry of a big can of baked beans, which I'll probably serve on some night this week with Southern barbecued spare ribs and macaroni and cheese--a hub's favorite. And so I'm starting to have a sense of what kinds of portions to cook. My Thai coconut chicken was even better another night because I cooked down the broth.

You can't tell, but my soup is a Tom Kha (containing coconut milk) and not a Tom Yum (“yum” refers to the traditional sour, salty, and spicy flavor of an array of Thai dishes) 

Someone on Facebook commented that my soup was not Tom Kha Gai because there was no coconut milk, but there is! A whole can of it, but I suppose it was not the usual colors of just white and green because of all the chile oil and the Yum Thai soup base broth. And so yeah, not authentically Thai but deliciously Thai enough.

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