Monday, October 12, 2020

Weekending with Handbuilding & Sketches and Leftovers & Paella

I had been so excited about my bisque fired pots out of the kiln and so excited about having celebrated a birthday that this weekend was rather anticlimactic. And my pots are speckled buff. Big pause. I find it hard to make speckled buff look pretty. Really only gloss white would look good on that clay body; however, my hand building skills are rather nominal, and so white gloss would just highlight my mediocre pots. And then I saw this picture of glazes.

And so I'm gonna take my time glazing my bisque pots. I was also disappointed with a smooth red pot that I had glazed with Meral's glazes of sand and sea and lemon yellow. You've got to be really judicious. It bears slowing down and doing it right. And I threw out the smooth red butter dish I made and re-made it. And turned to my sketchbook.

And so I'm also gonna be more thoughtful about what hand built pots I'm gonna bisque fire. Back to my other relaxing past time: creating meals. A Greek salad using peppers and tomatoes and herbs from my garden and Persian cucumbers and yellow onions from the store.

I continued the Mediterranean route by prepping eggplants for grilling and turning them into Baba Ghanoush. And poached chicken thighs and removed the bones for my bone broth and made macaroni and cheese for a Southern Saturday supper.

The last time I made Alabama chicken, I broiled the chicken and thought it really needed that smoke from charcoal to impart a better flavor. On to the grill went the chicken. And then the eggplant(because I was not gonna go to all the trouble of lighting a fire without cooking at least two dishes).

And out came the leftovers of potato salad, roasted Brussels sprouts and carrots, slather the barbecued chicken with Alabama white sauce and take out the macaroni and cheese from the oven. 

Onward to Baba ghanoush and bottling my bone broth.

And then it was Sunday. I decided to rectify my disaster of the paella I cooked outside for my birthday party. I wanted to do it so much better and more deliciously. The other half of the ingredients I had prepped last weekend: chopped onions, peppers, garlic and defrosted mussels and clams and sliced chorizo PLUS a little more salt and hot smoked paprika to impart some FLAVORTOWN.
Much, much better and deserving of a glass of wine with lunch.

And then it was almost dinner, but way too early for the BLTs using the last of the tomatoes. Leftover guacamole, leftover chips, and leftover grated cheese means nachos and a margarita to accompany.
And now it's back to business, back to making a living as well as financing my hobbies.

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