Saturday, January 2, 2021

Cooking: The Incredible Edible Egg

I used to detest eggs as a child and young adult. My mom used to make me eat a soft boiled egg for breakfast before school which I equated to hot liquid snot. And hard scrambled eggs or a fried egg were just meh when I was a teenager. But then I had a boyfriend in early adulthood where we went out to breakfast and ordered fancy home fried potatoes that would be doctored up with corned beef hash or in my case like a Denver with green and red bell pepper, onion, ham, melted Cheddar cheese and a fried egg with a runny middle. And I also fell in love with Eggs Benedict in which the runny middle would meld deliciously with the tart and unctuous Hollandaise sauce. And so my new year started with simple soft scrambled eggs, and adzooks were these heritage eggs gorgeous--shells that were a rich umber or pale brown and light blue. But the yolks. Oy vey, such a bright orange.

Some day I want to travel to Paris and eat an authentic omelette. But that morning, I opted for what I could make which is a soft scramble with a sprinkling of Swiss Gruyere and scallions along with half toasted butter bagel toast.

The next morning, I opted for a crab and Swiss Gruyere and avocado omelet like my favorite sandwich which always makes me feel like a Goodyear blimp afterward. 
Hubs had used up the heirloom eggs in his chocolate dessert the previous night. And I only beat one egg instead of two and overfilled it so that I could not flip the two halves together into a beautiful half circle.
But it was delicious and didn't make me feel full for the rest of the morning.

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