Friday, July 17, 2020

Quarantine Quilting: Progress on a UFO

The day before yesterday, I might have rushed  on the quilt because of a social science council meeting I attended, which meant one less hour of sewing. But I did get the blue row basted or stitched to the yellow row.
I still had a few rows to stitch on the yellow row before quilting the blue row. The quilt gets heavier and heavier as I add a top layer of fabric blocks and more thread from more quilting. I finally hit on the idea of using the black carts in my library to hold the weight instead of slinging it over my shoulder.
And then finally it's time to stitch lines on the blue row.
But aaaarrrrggggh, I discover these folds, or puckers, or tucks or whatever they're called after I've already started stitching the blue row. BUT they're not too extreme, these little fucks right? I'll just quilt it to death or add some matchstick lines later, so they're less noticeable. I'm moving forward.
Finally I get the blue lines stitched down and resolved before I left to get the green row pinned and then stitched to the blue row.
And today's quilting of that green row is gonna be a short day because I have to leave in time to go Zoom with a couple of 4-year-olds and maybe teach them to cook before making their own cooking videos. We'll be making peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Same bat time. Same bat channel. In other words, see ya real soon.

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