Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Quarantine Quilting: QAG (Quilt As You Go)

I once met a little old lady at the sewing machine shop who quilted jelly rolls into baby blankets, row by row. That's how I'm quilting my ROYBGIV. Besides the big tables in my library, I've also got these light black carts to help ease the weight of the quilt from dragging on my machine.
Aaargh there was a pucker in my quilting yesterday. Most likely it happened because I was sewing too fast. Yep I took my seam ripper to it.
The stitching is not straight, but done is better than perfect. Also hubs said it's good that my quilts are not perfect as that's how one can tell they're handmade.
At the last hour, I was done stitching the red row and ready to attach the next orange row. Again the rows are bowed, but that is okay.
I safety pinned the row down and didn't bother to press the seams. Again okay.
While quilting, I listened to Fresh Air, "Psychiatrist Explores Possible Benefits of Treating PTSD with Ecstasy or Cannabis," and am grateful that I weaned myself off Fluoxetine, which is not meant for decades long use. Sewing definitely puts me in that parasympathetic state. 
And before I left today, I unpinned and smoothed and pulled fabric to prevent more puckers. I also went around the table and used my iron to set the seam on the yellow row after stitching it on to the orange row. Another row ready to be quilted after preparation, preparation, preparation. Onward to the garden to pick some tomatoes, walk the dog and then cook chicken schnitzel.

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