Sunday, July 12, 2020

Quarantining: Perspective and Balance

I'm trying to take advantage of this shelter in place by streamlining my life and focusing on what's important. Yesterday I impulsively subscribed to an app for developing healthier habits called Fabulous because I recently weaned myself from Prozac, which has wrecked my sleep--that and entering into an existence without routine for the summer until the school year starts in mid-August. Years ago I read a book called the Power of Habit. I remembered enough from it to know that little changes can add up to bigger and more salutary changes in one's life. My app is starting me on a morning ritual of drinking water. Whew. I can handle that.
I might have mentioned my midlife crisis that happened a couple years ago, where I let an ex-boyfriend almost destroy my marriage. My friend, Julie rightly called him a homewrecker. All the equanimity and growth I had achieved after letting go of him (the first time almost 20 years ago)...poof, gone. But only temporarily. And so not gone forever. I choose happiness, which is not to be confused with 24-hour joy all the time, but rather something more akin to being content despite all the challenges and vicissitudes life throws at you. And I've been a lot more serene these past couple months. A. Lot. Except for imbibing more alcohol than what's moderate almost regularly. Wine, specifically, CHARDONNAY is my kryptonite. I can't just stop with one or two glasses. I developed the really bad habit of finishing a whole bottle in a night. But last night I managed to only drink two small (in my estimation) with dinner and dessert.
This morning while dutifully drinking my glass of water, I noticed that there's still an ample amount of wine in last night's Chardonnay. Kudos to me instead of beating myself for not abstaining completely from wine. It's the weekend. And baby steps.

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